Why Do Amateurs enjoy AM? AM sounds great and it's easy to listen to. When an AM carrier quiets your receiver and rich, full audio fills your radio room, you experience something that goes beyond just making a contact. How can AMI help you enjoy AM? AMI encourages regional AM activity insuring AM activty near you. AMI sponsors operating events and contests. AMI encourages use of classic radios and modern equipment capable of AM. AMI encourages amateurs to get involved with their radios, from simple modifications to extensive homebrew projects. How can AMI promote AM? AMI has slide and video presentations suitable for use at radio club meetings and hamfests. AMI members conduct net operations that are open to all amateurs. AMI encourages submission of AM articles for publication in amateur radio magizines. AMI keeps manufacturers informed about AM use trends. How can AMI preserve AM? AMI monitors
developments in amateur radio regulation, policy and practice AMI keeps its membership informed and recommends action if threat to AM operation arises. AMI members stand ready to exert influence on organizations and government to preserve AM operating priviledges. Membership Receive
an attractive membership certificate and additional AMI membership
information by sending your printed name, address, email address (if you
have one), phone number and call sign with $3.00 (US) to: AM International
9 Dean Avenue Bow, NH 03304